Church Future Discussed, Council Elected at Conference
Voting members of Monaca United Methodist Church and our sister church, First United Methodist Church of Aliquippa, attended our annual congregational meeting—called Charge Conference—on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
District Superintendent Eric Park led this special time of prayer and discernment for the congregations and provided background information on the split occurring within the United Methodist Church denomination. He also shared a message of hope for the future of the denomination and the congregations, encouraging everyone to “pray your way into flexibility and creativity.”
Looking towards 2023, Pastor Jim Sands explained his goal to focus on leadership development within the congregations in the coming year. This possibly will include a spiritual gifts study.
In addition to approving salary recommendations and affirming lay servants and retired ministers, the congregation voted to approve the following slate of candidates to serve on MUMC’s Executive Council:
Rev. James Sands
Michael McCullough
Mark McCullough
Council Secretary
Deb Croyle
Membership Secretary
Gretchen Harich
Financial Secretary
Betsylynn Majzlik
Finance Chair (Interim)
John Hesser
Finance Representative
Clay Beringer III
Lay Leader
Mary Margaret Corless
Lay Delegate
Patty Davidson
Trustees Representatives
Dennis Houser (Chair)
Vicki Kane
Michael McCullough
Staff/Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Representatives
Don Lynch
Roberta Houser
Don Dierdorf
Linda Hill
Helen Bloom
For more information on annual charge conference, please see Pastor Jim or contact us.