Thank You from the Food Pantry Team
A huge shout out to the congregation of Monaca UMC and to everyone from the community who made monetary and food donations for this year’s Thanksgiving Food Drive! With your generosity, we were able to supply Thanksgiving meals to 24 people at the November 12th distribution. Your donations went back into the Monaca/Center Township community, helping those most in need!
We also want to thank all who came out to help on Distribution Day! Pictured above are most of those volunteers: (L-R) Phil Ziegler, Roberta Houser, Vicki Kane, Trish Goehring, Joanne Ziegler, Mary Beth Shannon, Eileen Tritt, Pastor Jim Sands, and Linda Hulme. (Mark McCullough and Patty Davidson are missing from the photo.) Many helping hands lighten the load!
With love and thanks,
Your Food Pantry Team